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Container Engine

To run Peering Manager as a container, an engine such as Docker or Podman needs to be installed on the machine. It should work as long as it understands the Docker file format. The following explanations will focus on Docker. Please refer to the documentation for installation guidelines.

You will need git as well as the Compose plugin for Docker to make use of what is provided in the git repository.

Getting The Compose File

A Dockerfile and Compose files are provided in an official repository. Clone it locally on your machine using git, in a directory of your choice:

git clone

Starting Containers

If you just want to check out Peering Manager it is sufficient to run docker compose up -d. This will spin up the required Redis, PostgreSQL and all the Peering Manager processes. Keep in mind to use a docker-compose.override.yml file to expose a port and also setup a proxy of your choice.

Further configuration

When running in a production environment it is highly recommended to change some settings. The settings files can be found in the env folder. It is especially important to change passwords for Redis and PostgreSQL as well as the encryption key of Peering Manager.


Variable Usage
REDIS_PASSWORD Password for Redis key-value store


Variable Usage
POSTGRES_USER Username for database
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password for database
POSTGRES_DB Database name


Variable Usage
SECRET_KEY Used for cryptopgraphic features
BASE_PATH Set to path when Peering Manager is not at root
DB_NAME Database name
DB_USER Username for database
DB_PASSWORD Password for database
REDIS_PASSWORD Password for Redis key-value store