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With Ansible you can get the same results as with the manual setup but in an automated and reproducible way. It will however use gunicorn and Apache 2 to expose Peering Manager services, you will need to handle things by yourself if you want to use something else, e.g uWSGI and nginx.


In order to use Ansible to install Peering Manager, you will need to install it a machine of your choice. Please refer to Ansible's documentation for guildelines


Ansible is an advanced topic which can get quite complex. If you have never used it before, it is recommended to take a look at a tutorial first.

With Ansible setup on a machine, you can fetch the role dedicated to Peering Manager via Ansible Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install gmazoyer.peering_manager

Later updates can be installed with:

ansible-galaxy install gmazoyer.peering_manager --force

The role will install and configure Python, PostgreSQL, Redis, Apache and Peering Manager on Debian or Ubuntu based machine.


When the Ansible remote user is not root, the package acl is required and has to be installed before running this role.

Please also make sure that the choosen database locale is already installed or this role will fail. This can be achieved with community.general.locale_gen.


Please refer to the the Ansible role's