
Peering Manager comes with a built-in templating feature. This feature can be used to generate the BGP configuration of routers to peer on Internet Exchange points but also with direct peering sessions that can be grouped together.

The templating system is also used to generate e-mails that can be send to autonomous systems through Peering Manager.


The templating feature is based on Jinja2. Defined templates just have to follow the Jinja2 syntax and Peering Manager will take care of everything else.

Configuration Template

The following variables are provided to generate a configuration based on a template:

  • my_as exposing the currently selected and affiliated AutonomousSystem
  • autonomous_systems exposing the list of AutonomousSystem that can be found in the BGPGroup or InternetExchange mentioned in other variables. This is useful to generate prefix lists.
  • bgp_groups exposing details about direct peering sessions via a list of BGPGroup objects
  • internet_exchanges exposing Internet Exchange peering sessions via a list of InternetExchange objects
  • routing_policies containing the list of RoutingPolicy objects
  • communities containing the list of Community objects

It is possible to iterate over these variables, except the first one, using the for keyword of Jinja2. More details can be found about how to use these in the examples below.


The following variables are provided to generate an e-mail based on a template:

  • my_asn exposing the ASN specified in the configuration (your ASN)
  • autonomous_system exposing the detail of the current AutonomousSystem.
  • internet_exchanges exposing a list of InternetExchange objects that the AS as in common with my_asn. Each list item is composed of three keys: internet_exchange which holds the actual details for the IX, sessions which holds the sessions setup on the IX and missing_sessions which holds the IP addresses that can be used to configure peering sessions.
  • direct_peering_sessions exposing a list of DirectPeeringSession setup with the current AS.

Functions And Filters

Peering Manager exposes custom functions and filters that can be used in Jinja2 based templates.

prefix_list will fetch the list of prefixes given two parameters: an Autonomous System number and an address family (IP version). The ASN must be a valid integer (e.g. 201281), the address family must be an integer as well (4 means IPv4, 6 means IPv6, any other values means both families). Here is an example that could be used in a template for JUNOS:

policy-options {
    {%- for autonomous_system in autonomous_systems %}
    {%- set asn = autonomous_system['asn'] %}
    prefix-list ipv6-as{{ asn }} {
        {%- for p in asn|prefix_list(6) %}
        {{ p.prefix }};
        {%- endfor %}
    prefix-list ipv4-as{{ asn }} {
        {%- for p in asn|prefix_list(4) %}
        {{ p.prefix }};
        {%- endfor %}
    {%- endfor %}


Template examples are provided for: