
As with the initial installation, you can upgrade Peering Manager by pulling the latest changes from the Git repository.

Assuming that Peering Manager is installed at /opt/peering-manager. Pull down the most recent changes of the master branch with:

# cd /opt/peering-manager
# git pull

Run the Upgrade Script

Once the new code is in place, run the upgrade script. You may need to run it as root, depending on your initial setup. Make sure that the files permissions are still correct after running the script.

# ./scripts/upgrade.sh

What does this script do?

  • creates a Python virtual environment if none is found
  • installs or upgrades any new required Python dependencies
  • applies any database migrations when required
  • collects static files to be served over HTTP
  • remove stale content types
  • clear expired sessions
  • invalidate the cache to avoid getting out-dated data

Restart the WSGI Service

The WSGI service needs to be restart in order to run the new code. Assuming that you are using systemd like in the setup guide, you can use the following command to restart gunicorn:

# systemctl restart peering-manager