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Required Configuration Settings


This is a list of valid fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs) and/or IP addresses that can be used to reach the Peering Manager service. It can be different from the name of the server used as URL (e.g. when using a reverse proxy serving the website under a different FQDN than the hostname of the Peering Manager server).


ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', '']


Peering Manager requires access to a PostgreSQL database service to store data. This service can run locally or on a remote system. The following parameters must be defined within the DATABASE dictionary:

  • NAME - Database name
  • USER - PostgreSQL username
  • PASSWORD - PostgreSQL password
  • HOST - Name or IP address of the database server (use localhost if running locally)
  • PORT - TCP port of the PostgreSQL service; leave blank for default port (5432)


    'NAME': 'peering-manager',        # Database name
    'USER': 'peering-manager',        # PostgreSQL username
    'PASSWORD': 'v3rys3cur3passw0rd', # PostgreSQL password
    'HOST': 'localhost',              # Database server
    'PORT': '',                       # Database port (leave blank for default)


Redis is an in-memory data store similar to memcached. It is required to support task scheduling and caching features.

Redis is configured using a configuration setting similar to DATABASE except you need to have two different instances, one for tasks and one for caching.

For each instance the following settings must be defined:

  • HOST - Name or IP address of the Redis server (use localhost if running locally)
  • PORT - TCP port of the Redis service; leave blank for default port (6379)
  • PASSWORD - Redis password (if set)
  • DATABASE - Numeric database ID
  • DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Connection timeout in seconds
  • SSL - Use SSL connection to Redis


    'tasks': {
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': 6379,
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'DATABASE': 0,
        'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300,
        'SSL': False,
    'caching': {
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': 6379,
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'DATABASE': 1,
        'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300,
        'SSL': False,

It is highly recommended to keep the task and cache databases separate. Using the same database number on the same Redis instance for both may result in unexpected side-effects such as data loss.


This is a secret cryptographic key is used to improve the security of cookies and password resets. The key defined here should not be shared outside of the configuration file. SECRET_KEY can be changed at any time, however be aware that doing so will invalidate all existing sessions.

Please note that this key is not used for hashing user passwords.

SECRET_KEY should be at least 50 characters in length and contain a random mix of letters, digits, and symbols.