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Version 1.7

Version 1.7.3 | MARK I (Bug fixes release) | 2022-11-11

Bug Fixes

  • Fix contact assigment count in bulk edit/delete views
  • Fix inherited_status Jinja2 filter for group-less direct sessions


  • Defer AS prefixes field from some queryset (should improve performance in some cases)
  • Cleanup commands output, consider -v 0 as a silencer for common scripts, show prefix counts when using grab_prefixes
  • Add object representation as default column in changelog
  • Show sort arrow in table header
  • Add indent Jinja2 filter to manipulate spacing in templates
  • Add support for IXP prefix in prefix_list Jinja2 filter
  • Deprecate api/peering/internet-exchanges/<id>/prefixes/ in favour of the peeringdb_prefixes field in api/peering/internet-exchanges/<id>, the prefixes endpoint will be removed in the next features release
  • Add OpenID Connect login (by @Paktosan)
  • Add ability to ignore some sessions when importing them from PeeringDB


  • Update of rqworker service documentation
  • Add export template example (by @netravnen)

Version 1.7.2 | MARK I (Urgent bug fixes release) | 2022-08-30

Bug Fixes

  • Revert forced JSON parser for REST API, it prevents from using configuration deployment tasks

Version 1.7.1 | MARK I (Bug fixes release) | 2022-08-29

Bug Fixes

  • Fix side menu expansion with export templates
  • Remove hardcoded python path from upgrade script
  • #548 Always cache dict values for NAPALM neighbors output
  • Fix connection edit form
  • Use napalm logger for NAPALM related code
  • Fix columns in router connections table

Version 1.7.0 | MARK I (Features release) | 2022-08-21

The 1.7.x releases require Python 3.8 or later as well as PostgreSQL 10 or later.

New Features

API Breaking Changes

  1. BGP group status field has been added.
  2. Internet exchange point status field has been added.
  3. BGP sessions (direct and IXP) status field has been added.
  4. BGP sessions (direct and IXP) enabled field has been removed (replaced by status). Templating will not be broken as an enabled property is still exposed (not in the REST API though) which reflects the boolean value of the expression status == "enabled".
  5. Router device_state field has been renamed to status.
  6. Connection state field has been renamed to status.

Improve Configuration Contexts (#567)

Configuration contexts used to be a feature restricted to few objects. With this release's improvements, they are available on almost all objects. A new configuration context object is also provided to use common contexts for several objects.

Objects have two levels of contexts. The first level is about config contexts assigned to objects with weights. The second level is the local context data, specific to the object itself. The two levels will be merged into one final context given the CONFIG_CONTEXT_RECURSIVE_MERGE and CONFIG_CONTEXT_LIST_MERGE settings (possible values are detailed in the documentation).

Export Templates

Peering Manager now allows users to define custom templates that can be used when exporting objects. To create an export template, navigate to Others > Export Templates.

Each export template is associated with a certain type of object and uses the Jinja2 templating engine. Therefore all filters available for configuration templates are also available for export templates.

The list of objects returned from the database when rendering an export template is stored in the dataset variable, which you'll typically want to iterate through using a for loop. Object properties can be access by name. For example:

| Internet Exchange Points
{% for ixp in dataset %}
{{ }}
{% for connection in ixp | connections %}
- {{ "{:<15}".format(connection.ipv4_address | ip) }} | {{ connection.ipv6_address | ip }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

If you need to use the config context data in an export template, you'll should use the property config_context to get all the config context data.

Objects Status (#292)

Connections, routers, direct peering sessions and IXP peering sessions have a status field indicating their operational state. For sessions, this field replace the old enabled field. The enabled property is still exposed as part of the templating system (corresponding to a status with value enabled) but users should start migrating to prepare of its removal in a later release.

As status can be changed at different level, a inherited_status Jinja2 filter is introduced to be able to get the status of an object taking into account the one of its parent (if any). For instance, if a connection is disabled but an IXP session attached to it is enabled, the filter will tell that the session is disabled. Also if a connection as a router linked to it and the router is in maintenance status, the session will be considered as in maintenance even if the connection is enabled.

Possible values for status are: enabled, maintenance and disabled.

New housekeeping Command

Object changelog and job results used to be cleanup automatically. This is no longer the case as the code logic has been entirely moved to the new housekeeping command. By default, changelog and job results will not be cleaned unless users run the command for it. This command also checks the availability of new releases.

The housekeeping command is intended to be run regularly, at any interval users want.

In addition to the command, a new JOBRESULT_RETENTION setting, with a default value of 90 days, has been added to allow different retention periods for changelog and job results.


  • Allow --tasks flag to peeringdb_sync command
  • Add unique filter for queryset in templates
  • Add Jinja2 extensions example in docs
  • Display IX-API details on the connection details view
  • Synchronise PeeringDB models with 2.39.0
  • Remove setting RELEASE_CHECK_TIMEOUT, not needed with new housekeeping command

Bug Fixes

  • Fix IXP session abandoned state with no router set
  • #613 Allow contacts to have the same name
  • #614 Make connection filter router aware, sort connections by IXP then by router