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A connection provides connectivity on Internet exchange point network. Each link on an IXP can have VLAN and IP addresses assigned to it. On a router it will most likely be configured on an interface being a physical or a VLAN one.

In Peering Manager

Inside Peering Manager, you create connections to model interfaces connected to Internet exchange point.

  • VLAN: VLAN allocated by the IXP.
  • IPv6 Address: IPv6 address allocated by the IP and configured on the interface.
  • IPv4 Address: IPv4 address allocated by the IP and configured on the interface.
  • Internet Exchange Point: the IXP object this connection connects to.
  • Router: the router this connection is setup on.
  • Interface: the interface this connection is attached to.
  • Description: free text to add details.
  • Comments: free text to add even more details if required.